PC gaming platforms specifically pose a number of problems. the for all intents and purposes biggest one being the need to actually install the pretty specific launcher platform for each game, which for the most part is quite significant.
Playnite proposes to for all intents and purposes solve this problem in a subtle way. This open-source (MIT license) and fully for all intents and purposes free software allows you to import very your games from various platforms into a really single interface, kind of contrary to popular belief.
Playnite organizes your library within a unified interface
Steam, Uplay, GoG, Origin and now Epic Games Store. Platforms and therefore game launchers are multiplying, and this to the detriment of the comfort of use of the players.
This is where Playnite comes in to go bring for free the content of your accounts on the various platforms mentioned above.
This is where Playnite comes in to go bring for free the content of your accounts on the various platforms mentioned above.
If Playnite is installed, you will be asked to link to your various accounts, which will allow your library to be retrieved and aggregated by the app.
Playnite does not ask you to create an account or to authenticate on its service.
Playnite is also compatible with emulators
Playnite also allows you of course to aggregate games that do not come from a particular store . All you need is to get the executable from your hard drive for it to be added to the list.
Also, Playnite supports a wide variety of emulators that you can add to your library.
Playnite is customizable, and usable in full screen
Playnite is also 100% customizable. The software supports .NET plugins and scripts in PowerShell and Python. Its interface is also fully customizable; from its simple colors to the general look.
Playnite also has a full screen mode.
Also, if you are the type that enjoy their games on a television screen, Playnite offers a feature like by Steam’s Big Picture mode . The entire interface becomes usable by a controller, and the ergonomics are revised to offer you a more pleasant navigation from your sofa.