How To Increase Your Android Phone’s Performance


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As it is with the other desktop or mobile OS, the performance of your Android OS will start to diminish after you utilize it for a while time. Mobile operating systems are imagined to be lighter and faster to stay up with our must air the move, yet still give us access to everything. Want to possess the simplest of both worlds? Then, it’s time to try to to some housekeeping.

If you’ve got noticed that your Android phones performance are ‘slowing down’, particularly after you’ve been loading it up with loads of Android apps (we don’t blame you) from the Google Play store, we’ve some tips to share with you.

With just some tweaks and changes, you’d probably be able to breathe life into your Android specifically those who are updated to Android 4.0 and above.

1. Know your Device

It is important that you clearly research your phone’s capabilities and drawbacks. Do not overburden your phone with resource-hungry applications that may otherwise degrade the output of your phone at your expense.

2. Update your Android

If you haven’t updated your Android phone to the newest firmware, you should. Google brings great enhancements to every new Android OS release, including updates that, along with other user-friendly new features, ensure reliability, higher performance speed, and connectivity.

3. Remove Unwanted Apps

Every app you put in in your phone takes some space for storing and runs some background processes and adds to the info usage. The more room consumed by the cupboard or the more background processes that run on your phone, the slower the output of your phone.

Don’t install apps you hardly use. Keep only the apps that you just need and if you have got got an app that isn’t really useful, you’ll uninstall or disable it.

4. Disable Unnecessary Apps

‘Performance assistant’ was introduced in Android ICS to assist you disable apps that you simply don’t need. Disabling apps is different from uninstalling apps – uninstallation remove application files from the phone but no file is removed/deleted after you disable it. These disabled apps don’t seem to be shown on the house screen or app tray but you’ll be able to re-enable them to be used whenever you would like them.

5. Update Apps

You should always update your phone’s installed apps from Google Play. attempt to get updates your apps once they are available in Google Play. Developers fix bugs and add features in new released versions of apps. Updated apps perform better and faster, and are less likely crash.

6. Keep Fewer Widgets

Widgets aren’t apps, which only run once you decide on to activate them. widgets are always running and they’re active all the time. Although it is used by some Android users to keep track of the weather and its important dates, others use widgets such as ‘Extended Controls’ to easily access critical settings such as switching on or off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or their GPS.
They do have their uses, but bear in mind that running too many of them on your home screen will prevent the productivity of your computer.

7. Avoid Live Wallpapers

You must be loving Android’s live wallpaper feature. Some phones include live wallpapers that are badly optimized and will need a lot of CPU cycles to run, thus draining the battery faster. Everytime you activate the house screen, you run not only your apps but also your live wallpaper.

8. Stop Syncing

Sync may be a excellent feature which synchronizes your data with Google servers. Keeping sync on, you’ll be able to get notifications whenever new mail comes in or after you get new notifications or updates for apps. To do this, it does a refresh at every preset interval and this may devil your android’s performance for other activities.

9. Put off Animations

What animations? Well, if you haven’t noticed, the phone screen simply disappears when you go from one app to the other.. to determine this in action visit Settings > Developer Options > Window Animation Scale > Animation scale 10x. Then choose Window Animation Scale again to work out the fade in effect in ‘slow-mo’.

When you tur off animation , the screen just snaps to position without animation. you’ll also shut down Transition Animation Scale within the same way. If you’re an avid user, you’ll notice that your Android is performing faster with all animations set to off.


If you follow the advice, tips and tweaks given above will help to make your Android faster and smoother when in use. Producing other performance-enhancing tips and tricks related to Android? Yeah, let us know.
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