How to use AMD FSR 3.0 FG in Games with NVIDIA DLSS 3.0 FG


NVIDIA DLSS 3 and AMD FSR 3 are two popular technologies used in modern games to improve performance and image quality. NVIDIA DLSS 3 uses AI to upscale images, while AMD FSR 3 uses a more traditional upscaling algorithm. While both technologies have their pros and cons, some gamers prefer AMD FSR 3 due to its open-source nature and compatibility with a wider range of hardware.

Converting NVIDIA DLSS 3 to AMD FSR 3

Converting NVIDIA DLSS 3 to AMD FSR 3 is a relatively simple process that can be done using the mod you provided. Here are the steps to follow:

Middle Description

  1. First, download the mod from the GitHub repository you provided:
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to a folder of your choice.
  3. Open the game’s installation folder and locate the executable file.
  4. Copy the extracted files to the game’s installation folder.
  5. Run the game and navigate to the graphics settings.
  6. Turn the NVIDIA DLSS 3 FG option from the upscaling menu.
  7. Adjust the settings to your liking and enjoy the game with AMD FSR 3!

It’s important to note that not all games are compatible with AMD FSR 3, and some may require additional configuration to work properly. Additionally, the performance of AMD FSR 3 may vary depending on the game and your hardware configuration.

Differences between NVIDIA DLSS 3 and AMD FSR 3

While both NVIDIA DLSS 3 and AMD FSR 3 are designed to improve performance and image quality in games, there are some key differences between the two technologies. NVIDIA DLSS 3 uses AI to upscale images, which can result in sharper and more detailed images. However, it requires a dedicated AI processor, which may not be available on all hardware configurations. AMD FSR 3, on the other hand, uses a more traditional upscaling algorithm, which is less resource-intensive and more compatible with a wider range of hardware. Additionally, AMD FSR 3 is open-source, which means that developers can modify and improve the technology as needed.


In conclusion, converting NVIDIA DLSS 3 to AMD FSR 3 is a simple process that can be done using the mod you provided. While AMD FSR 3 may not be as advanced as NVIDIA DLSS 3, it is still a viable option for gamers who prefer open-source software and compatibility with a wider range of hardware

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